Event Details

NIT Network Meet Seattle April 2019

24 Apr 2019 - 6:30PM
Washington State Convention Center



6:30 - 7:00PM Registration & Introductions
7:00 - 8:30PM

Startup Pitches

Panel Discussion - The role of mentorship in personal and professional growth
Avik Saha (Director Delivery Strategy, Amazon)
Ajay Chavali (Managing Director, Accenture)
Srini Gopisetti(Director, Director of Engineering, CDK Global)
Tanmoy Roy Choudhury (VP Strategic Acounts, Tech Mahindra)
Tauseef Irfan (Senior Manager Supply Chain, Nordstrom)
Nadeem Firasta (VP, Dirac Research) - Moderator

Panel Discussion: How to approach your next career move and where to take risks?
Siddharth Mahapatra (Director, Providence St. Joseph Health)
Srini Venugopal (Director, Application Sales Strategy , Oracle)
Gautam Bharti (Director - Strategic Alliances (Global), Trend Micro)
Indrasis Mondal (Director, Hulu)
Ramakrishna Malka (Director, Fluke Corporation)
Muppalla Sridhar(NIT Brand AMbassador) - Moderator

8:30 - 9:30PM Dinner & Networking

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